A Reading Rants Roadshow!

Hey! Are you interested in having a Reading Rants presentation at your library, school, staff training day, or conference? Here’s what’s available:

*Book Blogging Basics. Have something to say about the books you’re reading? Looking for a platform to share your thoughts? Want to start a book blog but have no idea where to begin? I’ve been reviewing books online here at Reading Rants since 1998, and would love to share with you how to get started in the book blogging world.

*Booktalking tips and suggestions. My booktalking partner in crime Clair Segal and I can share some of the techniques that have worked for us during our weekly booktalk sessions with sweet and unruly seventh graders and give several of our never say die, always leave’ em hangin’ booktalks.

*How to Talk to Parents about YA fiction. Why do teens want to read those “bleak” YA books about sex, drugs, murder or (GASP!) rock-n-roll? How do you explain to an angry parent who knows little about field of YA literature why fill-in-the-title-of-the-controversial-sexy-druggy-book is in the teen section? I will provide you with quick sound bytes you can use in the heat of the moment to help explain to parents or other library patrons why teens prefer “junk” to “classics,” why its’ okay for their teen to be reading the same book over and over, and why there is nothing wrong with their teen being obsessed with horror or serial killer books!

*Reaching Reluctant Readers. Looking for ways to connect with those kids and teens who can read but don’t necessarily chose to? I’ll share some tips on how to hook those reluctant readers with display and programming ideas.

*Shelf Makeover: Weeding, Selection, Displays. (with Laura Lutz) When it comes to weeding your collection, how do you get started? What do you get rid of first? What do you hang onto and hope will come back into fashion (like acid wash jeans?) What do you keep because it’s a wardrobe staple? What do you toss because it’s so last season? Using principles from the renowned CREW manual and also guidelines from the equally renowned television show What Not to Wear, Laura and I will provide weeding pointers and emotional support for those of you who just aren’t sure about the difference between trash and treasure.

You can mix and match the above elements into an overall presentation that meets your group’s needs. Contact me at jhsny27@gmail.com to discuss dates and fees.