Breaking Point by Alex Flinn

Breaking Point Paul Richmond is the new resident loser at the exclusive Gate-Brickell Christian prep school. Forced to go there by his freshly divorced mom, who is also the school secretary, Paul is miserable among his richer-than-God classmates who refuse to even acknowledge his existence. Then the mysterious and incredibly popular Charlie Good inexplicitly befriends him. Like anyone who finds himself on the bottom rung of the high school caste system, Paul doesn’t question his fabulous fortune–he’s just grateful for Charlie’s attention. But nothing is for free–especially popularity. Pretty soon, Charlie’s going to expect to be paid, and Paul has no idea how high the price is going be. After all, how can you calculate the cost of a human life? Utterly soul-less Charlie will give you chills in this nail biter that is reminiscent of Jawbreaker and Heathers.

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