A Stir of Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

A Stir of Bones Susan’s life is perfect. She has a perfect family, perfect blond hair, and gets perfect grades. Except for her one perfectly awful secret, her life looks ideal from the outside. No one knows that Susan’s perfect dad hits her perfect mom whenever he gets mad at Susan. The only way for Susan to keep her mom from getting hurt is to be perfect–all the time. It will take three flesh and blood, not-so perfect friends, and two friendly ethereal entities (a dead boy named Edmund and a kindly haunted house named, what else? House) to help Susan break free of her perfect hell. Who wants to be perfect, anyway? A rich, atmospheric, and not always straightforward novel full of life, love, and suspense, Bones had me racing to find it’s two companion novels, A Red Heart of Memories and Past the Size of Dreaming.

2 thoughts on “A Stir of Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

  1. If you are going to read something by Hoffman, I would recommend “Spirits that Walk in Shadow.” I thought it was better.

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