Hunger Point by Jillian Medoff

My Sister’s Bones, this novel is about a girl with a sister who has an eating disorder. But unlike Billie, Frannie(the narrator of Hunger Point) is about as obsessed with food as her anorexic sister Shelley. After Shelley is checked into a hospital for her disease, Frannie discovers her own self-destructive tendencies (dating guys that she calls “Rat Boys”) as she tries to understand why her sister won’t eat. With an uncommunicative father and a mother who obsessively diets and counts the calories on everyone’s plates at dinner, its easy to see where Frannie and Shelley have gotten such backward ideas about food, love and perfection. It’s only after a long depression following Shelley’s death that Frannie can learn to deal with her situation and come back out on top. A sad and funny novel about redemption.

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