A Small White Scar by K.A. Nuzum

A Small White ScarThe only thing fifteen year old Will has in common with his brother Denny is a small scar that they each have on their hand from an ill-fated attempt when they were little to liberate their father’s penknife from his dresser. Other than that, they are completely different. Will is a practiced roper and rider on his father’s ranch in Colorado and his most fervent wish is to become a professional rodeo cowboy. Denny likes to ride, but if left alone, would prefer to daydream over an anthill all day. Will’s thoughts are as quick and sharp as the falcons that circle the endless skies over the ranch, while Denny’s are hampered by his Down’s Syndrome. All his life, Will has had to watch over Denny and keep him safe. Now, he has a chance to compete in his first rodeo and start a new life as a professional cowboy, free of Denny forever…But after all this time, can he really stand to leave his only brother behind? And will Denny, strong-willed in his own right, allow Will to leave? This unusual historical fiction, set in 1925, is a great guy story about the meaning of brotherhood and family. But don’t let the warm and fuzzy sentiment fool you—Nuzem packs plenty of action in this slim novel, including an electrifying rattlesnake showdown, a flash flood, and of course, plenty of rodeo bucking and slamming.

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