Saint Iggy by K.L. Going

Saint IggySixteen-year-old Iggy wants to do something great with his life, he just doesn’t have the tools. His parents are drug addicts, his apartment building is a den of down-and-outers and his only friend is a pseudo-hippie, law school dropout named Mo. But when Mo mentions getting some money off his wealthy, too-nice mom, Iggy sees his chance to turn his life around. He just knows that if Mo’s mom comes through he will be able to make his own mom come home, get his act together at school, and rescue that sad, gray girl he saw sitting all alone at a party. What Iggy doesn’t know yet is that by just being himself, he is going to do something great for Mo and his mom, something that will allow him to make the kind of sacrifice usually reserved for saints…sad, poignant, and powerful, Saint Iggy will leave you thinking about the ways you can help make the lives of the people around you a little better.

3 thoughts on “Saint Iggy by K.L. Going

  1. I loved this book, but it was so different from Fat Kid Rules the World. I ached for Iggy and his sucky life, his gross parents and his freak friend Mo. I think this is a book you just stick in a guy’s hands and say “try it, you’ll like it”- cause you certainly can’t book talk it.

  2. THis book was great and the review is fanomanon. it leavs you woundering so many things but overall it is a great book to read. The book begains very depressing then to very happy and to end everything is is confuzing.

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